To create one of these Internet marketing packages, you would have to spend hours and hours researching the subject matter at hand, and that's even before the first article is written or before the squeeze page is designed.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Earn Online Fast With Internet Marketing Packages
To create one of these Internet marketing packages, you would have to spend hours and hours researching the subject matter at hand, and that's even before the first article is written or before the squeeze page is designed.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Our Website Is Now Live!

My team and I, The Fortune-Niche Ones, have launched our website.
The Fortune-Niche Ones is now live. For those who don't know, we specialize in creating custom-made 100% unique niche marketing packages. Essentially, we provide all the materials a business owner would need to start making money online. And with our packages, and the instructions they come with, a business owner could even get started making money from the very first day.In addition to launching our website, we also launched a small marketing campaign.The Fortune-Niche Ones Marketing CampaignThe small campaign we planned has six stages. This includes:
- 8 High-Quality articles submitted to Ezine
- 4 TFNO marketing videos submitted to YouTube
- 20 URL directory submissions
- 2 Press Release submissions to
- Bump our ad on the WF for 100% unique niche marketing packages
- Offer a Free Offer to War Room Members (an Ereport Squeeze Page Combination Pack)
And so far, everything has gone perfectly. Our site went live with no problems, we're waiting for our Ezine articles to be approved (Submitted them three days ago and they're still pending review. Man, it must be really busy at Ezine these days). Our PRs are in, our videos are submitted and distributed across the web and the traffic has started to come in.
Our Free War Room offer has been a great success, also. We got a few great positive reviews and, as of this writing, the Social Marketing Made Easy E-report and squeeze page combination pack has been downloaded 62 times! That's awesome!
We have yet to bump our Ad. I still have to fix it up because I want to offer a special to WF members.
But, other than that, everything has gone great. Our launch has been a success and we already have a few orders from our Products Packages page.
I will continue to report our progress on here. And please comment on the blogs if you have anything to say. My team and I look forward to any feedback we can get.
Until next time,
The Fortune-Niche Ones
Monday, July 18, 2011
How Do You Use Unique Niche Marketing Packages

Unique niche marketing packages include everything you need to build a highly-targeted contact list online. These packages come with the capture pages to collect the addresses, but the packages will also come with free high-value giveaways to entice visitors to part with their contact information. Some niche packages come with well-researched e-books and e-reports to give away and some have webinar invites and video tutorial series. But regardless of what the niche marketing package comes with, the most important aspect of it all is that someone else did all the work. The only thing you need to do is publish the entire package and start earning money. That's done in just a few short steps. Follow along and you'll soon be a pro at leveraging these niche marketing packages for huge profits like the experts are doing as we speak.
Buy a Domain
The best unique niche marketing packages come with a list of researched keywords. If your outsourcing team did its homework, these keywords will be the most searched for in your niche, but with very little competition. This enables you to easily dominate your niche with the package contents. So, use one of those keywords, the most relevant and highly searched for, and use that as your squeeze page home address.
Load the Free Offer
When you've transferred the squeeze page files over and the site is live, don't forget to load your free offer to be downloaded. The Thank You Page that comes with the package will come with the link ready to go, and the free gift will be well designed and ready for distribution. Just make sure you hide it within a file or two to keep hackers from stealing your file without opting-in.
The package should come with instructions on how to transfer the files to your host's server using an FTP service. Once you're live, you'll want to sign up for an automated email service like Aweber or GetResponse so that you can start collecting an email list right away.
Automated Email
Platforms like Aweber and GetResponse make it easy to build and manage an email list. But the service will also let you send out automated emails to those subscribers to go out at pre-specified times. When you sign up with the service, get the opt-in box code and put it on your squeeze page so that your subscribers will start collecting in a database that's easy to manage.
Once your opt-in box is ready to go, plug in the autoresponder emails and set them to go out at the times you want.
Building Trust and Authority
When you hire an outsourcing team to create a unique niche marketing package, you are basically hiring them to become the authorities in your niche. By accepting the job, they agree to study as much as they can, and they must be up-to-date with all the latest breakthroughs, terminology, etc. This is not easy to do, but the right team will achieve the results you're looking for. The writing will be top-notch and on-point. Readers and visitors to your website and even your subscriber list, will become impressed with your knowledge on the subject and they'll begin to look forward to your every communication.
This is why your autoresponder series must be treated very carefully. The first few emails need to build trust, and the right team will make sure the messages do exactly that. The trick to provide value early on without asking for anything. A multi-part tutorial series works great for this.
So the first five or so emails should just be an offer and the rest should be a mix of how-tos, news and updates and affiliate offers.
Leveraging Your List
Once your site goes live and all your autoresponders are plugged in, your unique niche marketing package will effectively go into auto-pilot. This enables you to promote it so that you can drive as much traffic to the squeeze page as possible. The more targeted traffic you earn, the more subscribers you'll earn and the more you'll be able to leverage from that list.
And when we speak about leveraging a list, we're of course talking about creating an income stream from that list that never stops. Once your list begins to trust you and your subscribers see you as an authority figure in your niche, they'll look forward to your advice. They'll always be interested in what you have to say because you've been so helpful so far.
So, you need to make sure you work a fine balance between helping and selling so as to keep your list as happy as possible. A happy list is a lucrative list, after all.
Promoting The Unique Niche Marketing Package
Once your package is online and everything's working, you now need to drive traffic to your squeeze page and free offer. This is best done through article marketing, press release marketing and video marketing.
The unique niche marketing package should come with quality articles, press releases and even videos that you can then publish on article and press release directories and video sharing sites. If the materials are of quality and they're considered useful to your target audience, you'll see a flood of interested traffic in a very short period of time.
The unique niche marketing package should come with links ready to be plugged in. That means your articles should have markers like [Insert Affiliate Code Here], to make it truly plug 'n play.
That's all there is to using unique niche marketing packages. You have the squeeze page and the free offer, the content, graphics and research that's required to dominate your field, and you even get promotional materials to advertise the package once it's live. But with the included autoresponder emails, you'll be able to plug in your affiliate offers and start making money right away.
With a unique niche marketing package, all the work is done for you. You simply need to purchase, publish and profit. It's a wonder why everyone isn't doing this. It's a very small investment that can add up to enormous income streams if used correctly. And, since the packages come with all the information you need to maximize the packages in order to really make an impact on your niche, you really don't have to do much to make lots of money in a short period of time.
Now you see the beauty in using unique niche marketing packages in your business. Go to The Fortune-Niche Ones ( if you really want to learn how to make money online with a niche package of your own.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
What Is The Best Home Business Internet Marketing Opportunity?
Don't Stop Reading the Moment You See the Word Outsource
Hold on here. Don't just bolt because someone suggests that you outsource your work. If you are hesitant to outsource your work, I guarantee that I'm going to change your mind by the time you're done reading this.
But I also figure that if you're not outsourcing, it's like that:
- You've been burned before and you said "Never Again!" the last time some unscrupulous freelancer stole your money without producing real results.
- You're broke and thus don't have money to pay a freelancer. Don't worry. It's not as expensive as you think, and it's free to keep reading this post. Keep going and I'll show you that it this home business Internet marketing opportunity doesn't take much money at all to get started.
- You're unclear about exactly what a freelancer does. But again, don't worry. By the time you're done reading this, you'll see that hiring someone to do the work for you not only makes sense, but paying a freelancer just represents good business practices.
- You don't know how to find an outsourcer...
You get the idea. If you've never outsourced before and even if you've been burned by freelancers in the past, you'll start using them again, guaranteed. That's because the right freelancer can take you from making no money at all to making some and even lots of money if you do things right.
But what do freelancers do? Now that you're sort of on the fence about outsourcing, or maybe you're already convinced by the terrific writing so far, it's time to see what this home business Internet marketing opportunity is all about.
The Home Business Internet Marketing Opportunity That Is Quick, Easy and Lucrative as Hell
The best way to outsource is to have your freelancer or freelancing team do as much as possible. Thus, it would be ideal if the same team created your entire business from the bottom up. These are called niche marketing packages and let's see how they work.
Depending on the type of niche marketing package you have your team create, you might get:
- A Squeeze Page with Opt-In box and content that converts
- Some squeeze pages may be video squeeze pages, that tell your prospects to opt-in
- Free giveaways to entice prospects to give up their email addresses, such as a free e-book, e-report, video tutorial series, etc.
- A Thank You page thanking your subscribers for signing up.
- An Autoresponder Series that can be plugged-into platforms like Aweber and GetResponse.
- Some of these autoresponders may be tutorials and some may be affiliate emails.
- Articles and press releases and even videos to help promote the squeeze page and free offer.
- And there's plenty more than can be include in one of these complete niche marketing packages.
Of course, the product of all of this is going to be a highly-targeted email list in the niche you've chosen. So, when you hire the outsourcer or outsourcing team, you are hiring them to do all the research, all the keyword research, all the video production, the web design, the copywriting and graphic design that's required to put one of these packages together.
If you were to put one of these packages together yourself, you would have to spend hours and hours. Instead, you pay a company once, you receive the completed package and you put it online. A good niche marketing package will have spots where you simply plug in all your links and the package should also come with instructions for how to publish and operate everything simply and easily.
And there you have it. That's the best home business Internet marketing opportunity. Once you have a highly-targeted list, you can offer that list affiliate offers and you can even make your own products to sell. You simply need to make that list happy. The freelancers you've hired will do all the rest, and you'll be free to just publish, go and earn.
So if you're ready to make money online, try the best home business Internet marketing opportunity there is out there. Try The Fortune-Niche Ones ( and you'll see why more and more of our customers are spreading the good word about our unique niche marketing packages.
How To Make Money Online In Just a Few Days (Or Even Sooner!)
There is no shortage of articles just like this on the Internet, and it's amazing that you even clicked on the article link in the first place. Most people see a title like "How to Make Money Online" and they roll their eyes. Why? Because the Internet is saturated with such advice. But most of the advice either doesn't work or it's not nearly as easy as the 'gurus' say it is. But, believe it or not, there is one way to make money online quickly and you can start earning in a few days or even sooner than that. To accomplish this, you'll need a high quality niche marketing package.
But I'm Broke!
I probably lost a few people in that last sentence, mainly because most people searching for how to make money online don't have very much money. That's not to say that all Internet marketing hopefuls are broke, but many are. I've been there, so I know what it's like. When you want to get started making money online, it's usually because you're at the end of your rope and you need cash fast. Or, you're sick of your day job and you want the freedom of working from home, or you just lost your job. Whatever the reason, you don't need tons of money to make money online. You only need a small investment, which amounts to a bar tab, a restaurant check or a night out at the movies. Instead of paying for those things that you really don't need, put some money into your future. You'll be glad you did.
Starting As A Work-From-Home Entrepreneur
If you really want to work from home, you need to be willing to invest in your business, even from the beginning. Ok, enough of the scolding. With a unique niche marketing package, you can quickly dominate any niche and a very short amount of time. But what is a niche marketing package?
A niche marketing package enables a person to start working from home from day one. These packages are essentially businesses in a box. You just purchase them and you're able to make money from day one. The packages will include all the research, the ideal keywords, a squeeze page in order to collect email addresses, autoresponder emails that you can send out to your subscribers once they opt-in, and even articles and press releases to promote the package once it's live online.
If you find the right outsourcing team, you will have the ammunition to quickly surpass the competition in any niche you want. You simply tell the team the niche you have in mind and they'll get to work doing all the research, the design, the copywriting, the video production and coding that will enable them to spin a web of domination that will wow your prospects and frighten your competitors.
Your Competition
If you want to learn how to make money online, you're going to have to research your competition. Your competitors have likely studied your target audience and know exactly how to please that audience. Your job is to take what your competitors have done and then expand on it. But when you hire the right team, all the competition research will be done for you and you'll instantly be able to surpass those very competitors in design, traffic and sales.
All The Work Is Done For You
The reason these unique niche marketing packages are suggested is because all the work is done for you. You don't have to do a lick of work. Once you receive the completed package, you simply purchase a domain name (using one of the high-quality keywords that came included with the package), and you publish your squeeze page online.
Then, you'll need to sign up with an automated email services like AWeber or GetResponse. This is where you will get your opt-in code and it's also where you'll program your autoresponder emails (that also came with the package). The autoresponders will come with prompts where you can enter your links, including affiliate links so that you can start to leverage your list for profits from day one if you wish. The autoresponders can be programmed to go out at certain intervals so that your entire business runs on autopilot.
Once you put your squeeze page online and your autoresponders are plugged in, that's all you have to do. Your subscribers will opt-in, they'll receive your messages on time and, if you chose the right team and the package actually converts, the money will start rolling in.
Get Started Immediately
So if you want to learn how to make money online, use one of these unique niche marketing packages and go from purchase, to published to profits in days, or sooner. It's quick, it's easy and you don't need to do any of the work. That makes niche marketing using these types of packages the easiest and best way of making money on the Internet.
To learn more about how to make money online, point your browser to The Fortune-Niche Ones (, where you'll learn why these packages present the best home business internet marketing opportunity for anyone who wants the freedom of working from home, with the opportunities to make loads of cash in the process.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Fortune-Niche Ones Website is Live!
- 8 High-Quality articles submitted to Ezine
- 4 TFNO marketing videos submitted to YouTube
- 20 URL directory submissions
- 2 Press Release submissions to
- Bump our ad on the WF for 100% unique niche marketing packages
- Offer a Free Offer to War Room Members (an Ereport Squeeze Page Combination Pack)
And so far, everything has gone perfectly. Our site went live with no problems, we're waiting for our Ezine articles to be approved (Submitted them three days ago and they're still pending review. Man, it must be really busy at Ezine these days). Our PRs are in, our videos are submitted and distributed across the web and the traffic has started to come in. Our Free War Room offer has been a great success, also. We got a few great positive reviews and, as of this writing, the Social Marketing Made Easy E-report and squeeze page combination pack has been downloaded 62 times! That's awesome! We have yet to bump our Ad. I still have to fix it up because I want to offer a special to WF members. But, other than that, everything has gone great. Our launch has been a success and we already have a few orders from our Products Packages page. I will continue to report our progress on here. And please comment on the blogs if you have anything to say. My team and I look forward to any feedback we can get. Until next time,
The Fortune-Niche Ones
Monday, July 11, 2011
Video Title: "It's So Easy" To Use 100% Unique Niche Marketing Packages
The Fortune-Niche Ones ( provides everything you need to go from purchase to published to profits in minutes. Our 100% unique niche marketing packages include:
- · An eye-catching squeeze page with opt-in box and content that converts
- · A free giveaway, such as an e-report, e-book or video tutorial series, that provides value, relevancy and that urges subscribers to part with their precious contact information
- · A Thank You page that establishes trust and gives your brand a personality, and also informs your subscribers of your soon-to-arrive autoresponder email series
- · An autoresponder email series that helps, teaches and informs with plenty of product and service recommendations to fill it all out (where the profits come from)
- · Articles and press releases to help promote the videos with links ready to be plugged in
- · And much more
With The Fortune-Niche Ones (, you pick the niche and we'll do all the work. We'll do all the consumer research, competitor and keyword research, we'll do all the web page design, the copywriting and the coding that will construct a complete niche marketing business-in-a-box that is ready to start producing from day one.
Stop struggling to dominate your niche. Let The Fortune-Niche Ones ( show you why "It's So Easy" to use our 100% unique niche marketing packages to go from purchase to published to profits in minutes.
This Internet Marketing Opportunity Will Have Your Business 'Movin' On Up'!
The Fortune-Niche Ones ( specializes in high-quality 100% unique niche marketing packages that represent the ultimate Internet marketing opportunity for hopeful and current online business owners alike.
With this Internet marketing opportunity, you'll receive:
- · Eye-Catching Squeeze Pages With Content That Converts
- · High-Value Free Giveaways Like E-Reports, E-books and More
- · Research, Keywords, High-Quality Artwork and Copywriting
- · Articles and Press Releases That Are Ready to Publish for More Links and Exposure
- · High-Quality, Trust-Building Autoresponder Emails with Affiliate Links Included
- · Complete Easy-To-Follow Instructions for Going From Purchase to Publish to Profits in Minutes!
If you've ever tried your hand at niche marketing and failed, or even if you've seen a little success but you want to experience much more, contact The Fortune-Niche Ones ( and take your business to the next level with this ultimate Internet marketing opportunity.
The Fortune-Niche Ones! You pick the niche, we do all the work! Niche marketing has never been this easy!
Internet Marketing Help From The Fortune-Niche Ones (Where Everyone Knows Your Name)
We aren't just any outsourcing group. At The Fortune-Niche Ones (, we create the ultimate business home Internet marketing opportunity packages so that you can get started making money online from day one. With our Internet marketing help, you will have everything you need to build a highly-targeted email list in the niche of your choice, and we include all the research, all the materials and all the instructions for setting everything up!
Our 100% unique niche marketing packages include:
- · Eye-Catching Squeeze Pages With Content That Converts
- · High-Value Free Giveaways Like E-Reports, E-books and More
- · Research, Keywords, High-Quality Artwork and Copywriting
- · Articles and Press Releases That Are Ready to Publish for More Links and Exposure
- · High-Quality, Trust-Building Autoresponder Emails with Affiliate Links Included
- · Complete Easy-To-Follow Instructions for Going From Purchase to Publish to Profits in Minutes!
Niche marketing has never been this easy! So if you want niche marketing help from a talented, qualified and friendly group of folks who know your name, your business mission and who all want to see you succeed, contact The Fortune-Niche Ones ( today!
The Fortune-Niche Ones – You pick the niche, we do all the work!
'Let's Get Together' With Ereport Squeeze Page Combination Packages
The Fortune-Niche Ones ( teach you how to make money online quickly and easily with 100% unique niche marketing packages. With an Ereport squeeze page combination package, you can collect highly-targeted email addresses so that you can start making money from day one.
Our Internet marketing packages include:
- Eye-Catching Squeeze Pages With Content That Converts
- High-Value Free Giveaways Like E-Reports, E-books and More
- Research, Keywords, High-Quality Artwork and Copywriting
- Articles and Press Releases That Are Ready to Publish for More Links and Exposure
- High-Quality, Trust-Building Autoresponder Emails with Affiliate Links Included
- Complete Easy-To-Follow Instructions for Going From Purchase to Publish to Profits in Minutes!
Get Your Very Own Niche Marketing Business In a Box in your very own niche and start making money online today. To get your hands on your very own Ereport squeeze page combination package, visit The Fortune-Niche Ones ( today!
The Fortune-Niche Ones - You pick the niche, we do all the work! Niche marketing has never been this easy!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
How to Sell Affiliate Products In Your Autoresponder Series
Hopefully by now you have a squeeze set up along with a special offer, everything you need to collect highly targeted email addresses. Your super-targeted list is going to help you bring in much more money over time through the use of affiliate sales. While you can sell affiliate offers anywhere online, you should consider using affiliate marketing in your autoresponder series. This is the only guide you'll ever need for selling more affiliate products through your autoresponder series.
Targeted Offers
If you expect your list to respond positively to your affiliate offers, you'll need offer products that are targeted towards your audience. For example, if you're working within the gardening niche, you might offer your list a set of gardening books or even a beginner's gardening set from Amazon.
Hopefully by now you've established authority with your list. That's why they signed up with you in the first place, right? It's because your target audience sees you as someone who can solve their problems, whatever those problems might be.
To further establish trust, never push your affiliate offers too early. Start off with autoresponder emails that are useful and informative. The best technique is to offer a series of How-To emails. This can be packaged into a mini-course that comes free along with your free report or video. This increases the value of your overall product and your audience may actually look forward to the emails you send.
If you do your job and establish authority with a how-to, to the effect that your audience looks forward to your communications, just imagine what your audience will do when you send out your affiliate offers. Remember, offer value first and only then pitch your products. You'll have much better conversion rates that way, guaranteed.
Recommend Products
The main thing to keep in mind when you're selling affiliate products to your opt-in list is that you're not selling. Get the word 'Sell' out of your mind. Instead, you are merely 'recommending' products. Think about it. If a professional came up to you and recommended a product based on his own experience, you'd be more willing to buy that product than if that professional shoved it in your face and demanded that you buy it.
By positioning your affiliate emails as recommendations only, your audience will feel much more at ease about your communications, you'll get better click-through rates and your affiliate sales will go through the roof.
These are just some of the 'Tricks 'O the Trade' the experts use to sell more affiliate products to a highly targeted email list. Remember, you've already built your list. The hard part is already done. All you need to do is send out helpful emails, sell softly when you do send out affiliate emails and you'll see amazing results.
To Your Success!
Monday, May 9, 2011
What to Do with Plug 'N Play Niche Marketing Packages
The unique niche marketing packages come with the squeeze page, the opt-in box, the e-report that you're offering free in exchange for their information and you'll also get 10 autoresponder emails. If they go out twice per month, that's five months of raking in affiliate sales. You just plug in the code, publish your new opt-in-ready squeeze page on the web and you're ready to collect highly targeted subscriber emails.
But you can't just start selling to your audience right away. You must show that you have authority and most of all your subscribers must have the utmost trust you. This includes trust that you won't share their email address and trust that you won't bombard them with sales pitches every five minutes.
To alleviate your subscribers' concerns, to put them at ease and to help build the authority and trust you're vying for, we include a 5-Part Tutorial email series with every package.
What Is a Plug 'N Play Niche Marketing Package?
What Are Plug 'N Play Packages?
With plug 'n play niche marketing packages, you get:
- A fully researched and niche specific 15-20 page E-Report with cover art that you can give away in order to collect email addresses
- An eye-catching matching squeeze page with content that converts
- 8 well-researched and keyword specific articles and 2 press releases that can be submitted in order to drive traffic to the squeeze page
- An autoresponder email series that includes a 5 page tutorial and 5 affiliate selling emails
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Internet Marketing Business Launches on Popular Forum and Secures New Designer
Henderson, who runs the successful freelance design business Dark Design, states that he was hired by The Fortune-Niche Ones to create the squeeze page and cover art design for the plug 'n play packages the company provides.
Little states, "I hired Josh because his designs really stand out, and our clients already love his work."